What Is A Tongue Tie? Why Should I See A Chiropractor For Tots in Evergreen CO

Tongue tie, or tethered oral tissues (TOTS), is when the base of the tongue is tied to the floor of the mouth by a piece of skin tissue called fascia. This tissue or tether can limit the range of motion of the tongue and how the mouth grows, moves, and develops. This tether occurs at conception due to a genetic variation due to increased parental stress and is fully formed by 4 weeks of pregnancy. TOTS in Evergreen CO can lead to many issues such as breastfeeding or latch issues, airway issues because the tongue can block the airway, dental issues, sleeping issues, and postural issues because it is a midline problem.
Chiropractic care is needed for children with TOTS because this tether runs from the tongue all the way down through the body to the toe flexors and it can cause the head to be flexed forward, legs flexed up, and the body pulled to one side. Chiropractic care can help decrease this tension and increase the range of motion of the spine so that it moves properly in a segmental, corkscrew fashion. Remember, 90% of stimulation of the brain occurs with proper spinal movement. So, when our spine moves properly, our brain grows properly, and we reach proper developmental milestones, such as rolling, over, sitting up, crawling, and walking. Chiropractic care in Evergreen CO encourages proper spinal and brain development.
Dr. Katy and Dr. Abi have advanced training to identify a tie and remove body tension pre and post-revision and she works with a group of highly skilled dentists who can diagnose and release the tongue tie if needed. She also has a lactation consultant in the office, who can help with latch issues to the breast or the bottle pre and post-revision. Dr. Mooberry has created a team of skilled providers to help these children thrive post tongue tie.
9:00pm - 5:30pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 3:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
Get Moving Chiropractic
30772 Southview Drive #140
Evergreen, CO 80439